can you do it with one system?
I want to buy Pokemon Red Fire so i can catch and train the original pokemon- and also get more poke on my pokedex. But I hear that I wont be able to trade- only with ruby ans sapphire- is that true?
is it possible to complete the pokemon emerald pokedex (hoenn region) without buying ruby or sapphire?
it has that effect that picks up items.. and i have a lvl 3- a 4- and two lvl 5 s with me to pick up good items and out of about 30 items- only one was a rare candy... but other were full restores... so not bad as is.. but if i lvl them up any more will they pick up more rare candies?
***i know RARE candies are rare no metter what...***
my pokemon are great but i cant do the elite 4 so i need the regis
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