Rainbow Dragon
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus x3
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth x2
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger x2
Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle x2
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat x2
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise x2
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle x2
Winged Kuriboh x1
Morphing Jar x1
Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins x3
Crystal Tree x1
Crystal Tree x1
Crystal Promise x2
Crystal Beacon x2
Crystal Blessing x2
Crystal Abundance x2
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Karma Cut x2
Crystal Pair x1
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Last Resort x1
Triggered Summon x1
Crystal Raigeki x1
i posted this before and noone got it can you get it this time?
what am i?
i have an eye but can not see
i contain sap but am no tree
women fall at there feet if the see a big one of me
with a blaze inside i could be a ruby
but im so you see
the answer has been written for thee
jesus christ pinkcat i hold my head to you how did you solve it?
she answered it 1 hour ago so if she did copy you you would have to have put it on before hers
I m going to re-stock my big fish tank with new fish and I want the silver dollars to be the only "big ones" in the tank- but the local fish store says they are medium-aggressive.
The other fish I m considering are neon tetras- ruby barbs- 1 male betta- zebra danios- swordtails- platys- drawf gouramis- and dwarf cichlids.
From what I read these should all live peacefully and eat similar types of food- but now I m worried the silver dollars will nip all the other fishes fins!
because when i ask my friemds they don t know how to do it (because they have one but it s in the computer) when i saw at youtube almost everyone has a game in the computer! So help me people who ever saw this message answer now!
P.s. Tell me the code on how to get Deoxys (optional)
Yes- I ve gotten the National Dex in Pearl and everything already- but I have one problem. Whenever I try to migrate from Ruby- Pearl won t read the file- saying that either there s no save file or it s corrupt.
It obviously can t be the "no save file" thing- so I was wondering how my Ruby game could be corrupt- even though the save file and everything else was still there. Should I have gotten the National Dex in Ruby first before I tried to migrate Pokemon into Pearl?
where you you find one.
please give detail.
and you will be rewared with a best anwser.
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