Thursday, May 29, 2008

when I click file and open and select my downloaded pokemon emerald- the screen turns white and no sign that it is working. it also happened in my downloaded pokemon rubypokemon ruby. what should i do or what should i lack

Hey- im trying to find anyone with that has a girl charmander or squirtle i am willing to trade any of these pokemon for them:
My friend code is Phil 2363 6058 0139

I can try to get any pokemon u like but I can offer you:
A lvl 55 Garchomp
A lvl 55 Dialga
A lvl 40 honchcrow
lvl 55 Lucario
lvl 40 ambipom
lvl 49 Infernape
Either of the three ruby/sapphire starters torchic- mudkip- o treecko.
Umm im also willing to trade any of the diamond/pearl starters chimchar- piplup or turtwig
OR if ur into shinies i got a Gold Onix and a Gold Graveler i m willing to trade them
Sorry I already got a charmander from someone but if u got a shiny chramander ill trade or a regular cyndaquil- munchlax

Birthstone in Ruby- even though mine is Garnet nobody has garnet so gotta go with the ruby... would you buy them?
they look a lot like garnet only brighter and thats my half birthday so kind of significant...

dark ruby red hair and very pale skin...

what colour underwear wud luk the best with my colouring? my bf s not giving me a straight answer!
ok ppl! orange WUD NOT work... heres a pic... dyed my hair slightly darker red the other day...


just random fotos but yee get the drift

Sam- Dean- John- Bobby- Ruby- ect. Just Say one

I just had to ask this. I don t like celebrities anyway but it has to be Ruby Wax- Jade Gobby (oops i mean Goody) and Lenny Henry that grates on me. There are others but there s just a few.

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