Sunday, June 15, 2008

hey does anyone know a good web-site where I can let my 3 year old watch episodes of her favorite shows like "Max and Ruby" we re going on a car trip and I would like to be able to let her watch them. It can also be stuff like "Barney" and "Teletubbies"... THANKS!


I want to make a program that takes sports scores- say from or something- and displays them in a window. I want to be able to open up this program and have a list of live scores from only the teams I program in. Yes- I know there is probably a widget or something I could use- but I m really interested in programming so I want to know how this could be done. What would be a good language to use? Python? Ruby? C?

everytiome my hubby is home from school he likes to sit and watch TV- we have 3 kiddos and it seems like my daughter(from another relationship) always wants to do something with him too and depending of what it is hes fine with it:) but this afternoon i was listening to what was going on and well she wanted to watch a TV show max and ruby and he said no bc he was not watching that stupied show. So she started crying and was sent to her room bc she was crying. So of course i said something like always:) and it started this big old fight. I dont know why but everytime the kids want to sit with him and watch their shows with there DAD he always does this... Or ohhh change there station right in the middle of it bc he wants to watch TV or makes them move over bc he wants to sit where they are sittn bc of the sun light and the glare on his big screen TV. Ahhhh someone just help me... everytime this happens he always says to my daughter see ur always tryn to get me in trouble. idk what 2 do

i have soem uncute emeralds and 1 uncute ruby but they dont sell for much how do i cut the ruby/emeralds p[lz somebody tel me

I have 1nuzleaf lv 22 1 marshstomp lv 22 and electrike lv 13.
Those are my USEFUL pokemon.

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