thanks in advance.
When black guys were huge amounts of gold teeth? And try to look super cool- are they trying to cover the fact that they have a small toodlehoo? I mean- rubies diamonds sapphires- and pearles and crushed red velvet - in your mouth? dog- your hiding something.
My friend and I are curious- because we don t want to have to buy another SP just to trade. Please help!
My husband would like to give our daughter the middle name "Ruby" because that was his great-grandmother s name. However- I m not a huge fan of the name itself- and was hoping I could come up with a form of Ruby that we could both agree on.
Rubella would be nice if it wasn t a name for measals. I considered Rubea (rue-bay-uh) but it s not the best. Her first name might be Emma.
Hey yall guys have probably seen alot of my questions but i havent been getting alot of good answers
Pokemon Trade?
My name is Orich. My friend code is 0387 9145 1064.
I Really want Suicune-Entei- Ho-oh -Arceus- Manaphy- Jirachi- Celebi- and Mew/Mewtwo.
ill trade
Torterra lvl. 32 Male
Salamence lvl. 69 Fe-male
Togepi lvl. 18 Male
Vespiquen lvl. 33 Fe-male
Drifblim lvl. 28 Fe-male
Garchomp lvl. 48 Fe-male
Sharpedo lvl. 40 Male
Espeon lvl. 22 Male
Glaceon lvl. 41 Male
Magnezone lvl. 31
Houndoon lvl. 33 Fe-male
All the Diamond/Pearl starters
All the Sapphire/ruby starters
All the Red/Green starters except Bulbasaur
Regigigas lvl. 70 Male
Dragonite lvl. 59 Male
Weavile lvl. 41 Male
Rotom lvl. 17
Metagross lvl. 65
Lotad* lvl.6 Male(shiny)
Lucario lvl. 65 Male
Cyndaquil lvl.1
Totodile lvl.1
All possible egg pokemon on this list( i can breed all the breedable pokemon on this list)
My Lotad is shiny!
Tell me your name and Friend code and what you want.Please!!!
Hey guys im sorry if you want to trade now but i can t get on tonight cconsidering that i son t have wifi at my house. I can probably get on tomorrow at around 11:00 AM
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