Saturday, June 21, 2008

Im getting a Cavalier King charles!
And i know blah blah get the one that suits me- but i cant decide which colour i like better:
Bleheim or Ruby! - I really like tri-colour- but not so much when they get older.
Blenheim - [obviously it is wet]
Ruby -
Tri-Colour -

So what do you think? Ill be getting a boy.
We already have a creamy apricot coloured dog.

And names:
Ruben [my fav]- Lincon- Penn- Samson- Oliver + I think they all look like "Charlie s" but its so boring!

Thanks x
I know i can get whatever i want- but i dont know what i like best!


The scent of yellow roses- embedded forever by my part-
petals shriven and shrunken- warped by your sacred heart.
A light serenade of laughter- a flutes pitch- a puggles bark-
all fused into a package- an enigma of the matter-dark

A precious blissful gathering- forever will be the 4-
foolish hearts and premature thoughts- eternal- yet never more.
Our footprints ancient remain- eight marks of different size-
distorted yet inthorted- our folic evidence- display the mystery of our fleeing time

fragmented shards of bleeding glass- forever in your name-
the cruel spirit of the one beloved- the 4 will always remain
the ruby drawn gems of a past life- set stained into crystal display
the reasons for it s donations are clearer then where it lays-

An 8 foot tongue of anarchy swithered- slashing and dashing with its take
an acid- a hallucagent- a baurbituant-
the clash of a broken mistake.
through the eyes of familiar breath- strength and life renew-
the glistening twinkle of a pupil light- a transcendent aura skew.

a screeching banshee of ribald blood- traverse my mind through mental sign-
an ethereal being- a ruthless beating- the lovely by design.
A perfect decention blasphemous- un-evolved from your once precious heart-
your emerald dreams of hope- dissasperated- replaced w/ pain- self induced by your part.
You scream out in utero- for the love you once contained-
forever damned into the sands- Into pitless abyss shall you remain.

here is the deck


crystal beast colbalt egal 2
gravicrush dragon 1
rainbow dragon 1
rescue cat 1
amethyst cat 3
saphire pegasus 3
ruby carbuncle 2
amber mammoth 2
topaz tiger 2
emerald tortaise 2


magic cylinder 1
karma cut 1
crystal raigeki 2
torrential tribute 1
rainbow gravity 1
sakuretsu armor 1
forced back 1


ancient city rainbow ruins 2
crystal beacon 2
crystal promise 2
crystal blessing 2
crystal abundance 2
scapegoat 1
crystal tree 1
fissure 1

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